LaSalle Generating Station
LaSalle County Generating Station is a nuclear power plant located in Marseilles, Illinois, about 75 miles southwest of Chicago.
The station is built on a 3,055-acre site with a 2,058-acre man-made cooling lake, which is also a popular fishery managed by the Illinois Department of Natural Resources.
Units 1 and 2 began commercial operation in January 1984 and October 1984, respectively. Both of LaSalle's units are boiling water reactors designed by General Electric.- LaSalle's Unit 1 is capable of generating 1,138 net megawatts (MW), while Unit 2 is capable of generating 1,150 net MW. Together the units can produce enough energy to power more than 2.3 million average American homes.

Emergency Planning for LaSalle County & Surrounding Area
Special plans have already been developed to protect the public in the event of a nuclear incident in your area. First, control room operators at the power plant would immediately notify local authorities. At the same time, special teams would begin testing radiation levels outside the plant and throughout surrounding areas. If necessary, area officials would declare an emergency and take the following measures to ensure public safety. LaSalle County Emergency Management Agency works closely with a host of community partners and stakeholders along with State and Federal officials for the protection of the health and safety of our citizens.
Warning Sirens- Communities across the U.S. use outdoor sirens to warn of fire, flood or other threatening events. The sirens generate a loud, continuous pitch for at least three minutes. In Illinois, sirens are tested on the first Tuesday of each month at 10:00 a.m. If you hear sirens and are not sure what they mean, tune to one of the radio stations listed in this pamphlet.
Emergency Broadcasts- Authorities relay emergency information and instructions to the public over local radio and TV stations, including the radio stations listed in this pamphlet. In an emergency, these stations are your best source of accurate news.
Shelter-In-Place or Evacuation- Officials might recommend that people either take shelter indoors or evacuate an area. It is critically important that you follow the recommended course of action. Staying home when instructed to evacuate or driving around when urged to stay indoors could expose you to danger unnecessarily.
Additional Resources for Information
Federal Emergency Management Agency Region V Radiological Emergency Preparedness
Illinois Emergency Management Agency (IEMA) Nuclear & Radiation Safety